II — Chapter 6 — Romans 10:9-13
10:9-13 (9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be
saved. (10) For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation. (11) For the Scripture saith,
Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. (12) For there is no
difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich
unto all that call upon him. (13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the
Lord shall be saved.
Verse 9 That if thou shalt confess with
thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised
him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. To ‘confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus,” is to make an open profession of the truth respecting the Lord
Jesus Christ, as the Divinely appointed, and Divine Saviour (John 9:22). This
certainly is not speaking of confession to a Roman Catholic Priest, or
confessing of sins to a brother, nor even a poor sinner confessing sin to God.
It is the public confession in our daily life of Christ as our Lord and Saviour
(2 John 7). In our day it doesn’t cost much to confess Christ in this country,
but it can even cost the new believer his life in other countries. He who thus
confesses that he truly is joined in vital union to Christ — he, and he only,
shall be saved (1 John 4:2-3). Our Lord Christ said “Whosoever therefore shall
be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him
also shall the Son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his Father
with the holy angels” (Mark 8:38). The Lord will not own any cowardly and
secret disciples. “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I
confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me
before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven” (Matt.
10:32-33). The apostle was certainly not ashamed to confess his relationship
before men when he stood in the midst of the idolatrous crew and soldiers on
the ship and told of the reassuring message he had received from the angel of
God, as he added, “whose I am, and whom I serve” (Acts 27:23). In the words of
Charles Hodge, “Those who are ashamed or afraid to acknowledge Christ before
men, cannot expect to be saved. The want of courage to confess, is decisive
evidence of the want of heart to believe.” (Luke 12:8; 1 John 4:15).
Confession is here put before faith, as it
is the confession which gives visibility to the faith, and Paul here was
following the order suggested by the words of Moses from the passage in
Deuteronomy. Open confession of Christ as our absolute Lord before men is an
indispensable condition for all authentic discipleship. When we speak of true
believers the natural order is faith and confession. When we speak of a group
of believers the natural order is profession and faith. As John Brown wrote,
“The statement here is substantially the same as that of our Lord: ‘He that
believeth, and is baptized’ — i.e., confesses his faith in the appointed way —
‘shall be saved’” (Mark 16:16).
To “believe in thine heart that God hath
raised him from the dead,” is to be inwardly persuaded, on the testimony of
God, that He has manifested His satisfaction with the death of our Lord Jesus
Christ, as the propitiation for the sins of His elect, by raising Him from the
dead (John 6:69). Caution must be exercised by us all for there are different
sorts of faith, and it is folly to regard all who profess that Christ is the Son
of God and the Saviour of men is exercising true, saving faith. The devils
“believe and tremble’ (James 2:19). “But there are some of you that believe
not. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that believe not, and who
should betray him” (John 6:64). Here all the false disciples, who had a
temporary faith, that thought Christ to be the true Messiah, but would fall
away as Judas and others, are said to be those that believed not, making an
essential difference between their belief, and that true grace of God-given
faith that is called faith or believing appropriated to it. Faith is a
receiving of Christ into the heart, in such a sense as to believe that He is
who and what He declares Himself to be, and to have such a high esteem of Him
as our most excellent, precious Lord and Saviour, and so to prize Him, and so
to depend upon Him, as not to be ashamed nor afraid to profess Him, and openly
and constantly to follow Him (John 10:27).
To truly believe and confess the Lord
Jesus Christ requires a supernatural faith to embrace it for “no man” can
honestly, sincerely say “that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Ghost” (1Cor.
12:3). In this identification of the historical Jesus Christ with His
subsequent exaltation to supreme Lordship and universal dominion (Phil.
2:9-11), all the facts of the Gospel are presupposed. This was the constant
emphasis of the apostolic message and no preaching which fails to do justice to
the absolute sovereignty of our Lord Christ is true preaching of the Gospel.
Gospel preaching in the New Testament shows that the Lordship of Christ is
presented as essential to true preaching of the Gospel (Acts. 2:36; 16:31; Rom.
10:9). The Lord Christ is called ‘kurios’ (which in the vast majority of cases
is Lord) 747 times in the New Testament. In the book of Acts which records
early Church evangelism “Lord” is found 92 times and “Saviour” only twice. The
Scriptures tell us plainly that all professors who reject the Lordship of
Christ are children of the kingdom of darkness (Matt. 7:21-23; Luke 6:46-49; 1
John 2:3-4).
Too, evangelical repentance is a major
part of a true ministry of the Gospel (Matt. 4:17; Acts 3:19; 20:21; 26:20),
which demands a true turning against sin and self, and taking sides with God
against ourselves. Our Lord Himself came preaching that men should “repent, and
believe the Gospel” (Mark 1:15) — which are the doctrines of repentance and
faith. The apostles preached “repentance towards God, and faith toward our Lord
Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21). Our Lord warned all men that “except ye repent, ye
shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). Paul exhorted the young preacher
Timothy to preach the Gospel trusting that “God, peradventure will give them
repentance” (2 Tim. 2:25), and any and all preaching that does not do the same
is not true Gospel preaching. Also our Lord’s encounter with the rich young
ruler shows, we have no business preaching peace to people who do not
understand the implications of God’s Holy Law.
“Shalt believe in thine heart” — Scripture frequently speaks of
the heart. And although in Scripture the terms spirit, soul, and mind
(nous) are sometimes interchanged, yet in general, we may say that by heart Scripture usually denotes that
spiritual, ethical center of man that in regeneration is radically turned
about. That it is the heart that is regenerated is directly taught in Scripture
(Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:8-12; Ezek. 36:25-27). The Scripture abounds with such
phrases as with all the heart, or with the whole heart, in speaking of
pure religious matters. And the manifest intent of them is to signify a
gracious simplicity and godly sincerity. Compare the following Scriptures as
examples of hundreds that could be given (1 Sam. 12:20, 24; 1 Ki. 8:23; 14:8; 2
Ki. 10:31; Psa. 9:1; 86:12; 111:1; 119:2, 10, 34, 69; Joel 2:12).
Saving faith is a believing on Christ with
the heart, thus, there is no such
thing as saving faith in Christ where there is no real love for Him, and by
real love is meant a love which is evidenced by obedience. Our Lord Christ acknowledges
none to be true believers save those who do whatsoever He commands them (John
15:14). Saving faith is manifest by loving obedience (1 John 2:4-5), therefore
we read of “the obedience of faith” (Rom. 16:26). A. W. Pink said, “Saving
faith is to the soul what health is to the body: it is a mighty principle of
operation, full of life, ever working, bringing forth fruit after its own
Religionists and mere professors,
performing acts of religion, whose hearts the Scriptures abundantly represent
as under the reigning power of sin and unbelief, are those that do not give
their hearts to God, but give them to other things (1 Pet. 4:3). They go about
to serve two masters (Matt. 6:24),
and as those who indeed draw near to God
with their lips, but have at the same time their hearts far from Him (Matt. 15:8-9). They are
self centered, running more after worldly things and immoral pleasures (Titus
3:3). They are but hypocrites without single eye or single heart.
The word “believe” in the New Testament,
answers to the word trust in the Old;
and therefore the phrase “believing with thine heart” is parallel to that in
Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.” And “believing with the
heart” is a phrase used in the New Testament to signify saving faith (Rom. 8:37), as is the phrase “obeying the form of
doctrine from the heart” (Rom. 6:17-18).Whosoever makes this Christian
confession cordially, or with his whole heart, God dwells in him.
“Shalt believe in thine heart that God
hath raised him from the dead” — that Christ is all that He claimed to be and
that He has accomplished as the sinner’s Substitute all that He came to perform
in their stead (Rom. 1:4; 4:24-25). It is faith in God as He reveals Himself in
our Lord Jesus Christ as our salvation (2 Cor. 4:6). That God raised Christ from the dead and set
Him at His own right hand in Heavenly places, and He revealed the exceeding
greatness of His power to usward who believe (Eph. 1:19-20).
“Shall be saved.” Herman Hoeksema wrote,
“The apostle is speaking of our future salvation, of our salvation as it shall
be realized in the day of Christ. Indeed, he who confesseth with his mouth the
Lord, Jesus, and believeth in his heart that God raised Him from the dead, may
also say that he is already saved. He is saved by faith, and he is saved in
hope, for he is justified. He even now possesses the redemption of God in
Christ, the forgiveness of sins. He stands as a righteous man before the
tribunal of God. He carries the conviction that there is no condemnation for
him. For God has raised Jesus, his Lord, from the dead. Still more, he is not
only redeemed from the guilt of sin and righteous before God; he is also in
principle delivered from the power and dominion of sin. He is not under the
Law, but under grace. Sin shall have no more dominion over him, and he lives!
He has been snatched from the power of death! He is a partaker of the
resurrection of Christ. He was begotten again unto a lively hope! He is
regenerated and born of God. He is a child of the living God, not only by
adoption, but also because of the new principle of life that is in his heart.
And through the Spirit of Christ he is heir of all the spiritual blessings of
salvation. O, yes, he is saved.”
Verse 10 For with the heart man believeth
unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. “With
the heart” shows us that it is the heart that we must first examine in order to
discover evidences of the presence of true saving faith (Heb. 3:12). The Scripture
says that in true believers God is “purifying their hearts by faith” (Acts.
15:9). If our hearts are purified by faith (1 Pet. 1:22) they are fixed upon a
pure Object. It drinks spiritual water from the fountain of Living Water,
delights in a pure Law (Rom. 7:22), and looks forward to spending eternity with
our pure Saviour and Lord (1 John 3:3). It loathes all spiritual and moral
filth, hating the very garment spotted by the flesh (Jude 23), and it loves all
that is holy and Christ like. A regenerated heart is a contrite, humble, tender
heart that trembles at God’s Holy Word (Isa. 57:15; 66:2).
Many present day ministers preach an easy
believism message from this passage telling their hearers that saving faith is
but an act of the mind, an assent to the Divine testimony, but this passage is
clear, just as is the entirety of Scripture, it is “with the heart man believeth unto righteousness.
The heart is the seat of the affections and no man can change his own heart by
an act of his will. A miracle of grace must be performed within the sinner
first; his heart must be “renewed” by the Holy Ghost, radically changed; before
he will love what he once hated and hate what he once loved. “Wherein does this
faith come short of a saving one? Wherein is it defective? It is merely an
intellectual assent to the letter of Scripture and not “with the heart” (Rom.
10:10), so as to bring Christ into it (Eph. 3:17), just as one may read and
accredit a historical work, and no spiritual effect be produced thereby. It is
a faith which is “alone’ (Jam. 2:17), for it is unaccompanied by other graces,
whereas a saving faith has as its concomitants love, meekness, holiness,
perseverance, etc. Such a faith consents not to take a whole Christ: it will
embrace Him as a Saviour, but is not willing for Him to reign over them as a
King. Those with such a faith desire Christ’s pardon but not His scepter, His
peace but not His yoke. They will accept Him to deliver them from Hell, but not
to sanctify and cast out of their temples whatever God abominates. They are not
willing to subscribe to Christ’s terms of discipleship, which are the denying
of self, the taking up of the Cross, and following Him whithersoever He leads:
such terms they consider harsh and unnecessary. Such faith is a lifeless and
barren one.” (A. W. Pink). If we are not persuaded as well as convinced of the
truth of the Gospel, our faith is vain.
True saving faith is the heart going off
all others and cleaving to Christ in His entire Person and character as Prophet,
Priest and King. “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only
true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). It is God in His
revealed character, as made know to us in the Word and brought home to our
hearts in power. It is knowing Christ as a living reality, as God’s Son who is
revealed in me (Gal. 1:16). Saving faith is a cordial, loving approbation of
Christ, an acceptance of Him in His entire character as Prophet, Priest, and
King (Lord); it is entering into covenant with Him, receiving Him as Lord and
Saviour (Col. 2:6). It is damning to expect that you can receive Christ as
“Saviour” and refuse His “Lordship.” Preachers who deceive multitudes of
hearers and professors with such a message are filling Hell with poor doped
professors. The Lord Christ said to His apostles, “Ye call me Master and Lord:
and ye say well; for so I am” (John 13:13). That is not a mere characteristic
of our Lord that can be separated from His person. This is Who our Lord is and
it is only “as many as receive Him” (John 1:12), not a part of Him or one
office of Him in His saving work, but THE WHOLE CHRIST, does He give the power
and authority to become the sons of God. All men, regardless of their
professions or religious affiliation, who will not “have this MAN to reign over
them” shall be cast into Hell for ever (Luke 19: 14, 22, 27).
“With the heart man believeth unto righteousness.” In the fourth chapter of
Romans we read “his faith is counted for
righteousness” (v. 5), “faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness” (v. 9), “it was imputed to him for righteousness (v. 22). In these
three verses the Greek preposition is eis
which never means “in the stead of,”
but it always signifies “towards, in order to, with a view to”: it has the
uniform force of “unto.” Its exact meaning and force is unequivocally plain in
our verse here, “with the heart man believeth unto (eis) righteousness,” that is, the believing heart reaches out
to and lays hold of Christ Himself. As John Calvin said, “This verse may help
us to understand what justification by faith is, for it shows that
righteousness there comes to us when we embrace God’s goodness proclaimed to us
in the Gospel. We are then, for this reason, made just; because we believe that
God is propitious to us through Christ.” In the clear words of the Westminster
Catechism “God justifieth, not by imputing faith itself, the acts of believing,
but by imputing the obedience and satisfaction of Christ.”
“And with the mouth confession is made
unto salvation.” To guard against a possible misunderstanding here by showing
that confession is not the cause of salvation, but the necessary consequence of
a living, God-wrought faith, John Calvin wisely said, “Paul’s desire was solely
to show how God accomplishes our salvation, viz. by making faith, which He has
put into our hearts, show itself by confession. Indeed, he simply wanted to
point out the nature of true faith, from which this fruit springs, lest anyone
should hold out the empty title of faith for faith itself.” The apostle speaks
of such a confessing of Christ, or outward and open testifying our love and
respect to Him, and adhering in our duty to Him as our Lord, which exposes us
to suffering reproach and persecution. That such is of the essence of saving
faith is shown by the following Scriptures: “Nevertheless, among the chief
rulers also, many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not
confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: for they loved the
praise of men more than the praise of God” (John 12:42-43) — compared with “How
can ye believe, which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that
cometh from God only?” (John 5:44).
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. “For
the scripture saith” — the “scripture” means the holy writings of all the many
penmen, all of which were of Divine authority, because holy men spake as they
were moved by the Holy Ghost (2 Pet. 1:21). This passage is from Isaiah 28:16,
and had already been quoted in Romans 9:33. It is a Messianic prophecy, and
intimates that, under the Messiah, sinners were to obtain an interest in His
blessings by believing, and whether they be Jew or Gentile, all true believers
shall possess these blessings. It is not whosoever is circumcised, or whosoever
obeys the Law; it is, whosoever believeth in Him. Those that trust Him “shall
not be ashamed.”
Those who will not bow to
Christ as absolute Lord will be brought to the place that they shall bow to Him
in spite of themselves (Rom. 14:11). In that day every thought and intent of
men’s hearts will be made known. Those who have had their sins blotted out
through the death of our Lord Jesus Christ will stand in His righteousness as a
justified sinner, while those who have rebelled and refused to bow the knee to
Christ, crying as a needy sinner, and confessing Him as the Lord, Saviour, and
their All, will be brought to open shame and eternal damnation. Reader, look up
the following verses which show that a Holy God will put to shame those that do
not willing and lovingly acknowledge Him (Isa. 42:17; 44:9-11; 65:13-15).
We offer a few comments on, Isa. 65:13-15.
These are those who hate God’s people and sneer at those who would walk with
Him. They are so prominent today and greatly outnumber God’s “little flock.”
They scoff that we look for the coming of our Saviour who brings joy and peace
to our hearts. Oh how vile is the old Adamic heart of fallen man, a heart of unbelief
and total hatred of the God of the Bible. They despise the truth of redemption
in Christ and they all foolishly make a God to their liking in their corrupted
mind. They will certainly be brought to the eternal shame of being separated
from God forever, but there is more. There is the revelation in which men will
be brought to acknowledge what they are in themselves and to stand divested of
all the pretense in which they have clothed themselves. The world lives in an
artificial state of self-deception, but the judgment is coming which will
remove all of this. God describes this in Isa. 28::16-17: “Behold, I lay in
Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious stone, a sure stone:
He that believeth shall not make haste. Judgment also will I lay to the line,
and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of
lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.”
12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord
over all is rich unto all that call upon him. “For there is no difference”
between Jew and Gentile for they all sprang from the loins of Adam through whom
sin entered into the world (Rom. 5:12). There is no difference as to the guilt
of original sin (Rom. 5:18-19) or the absence of righteousness (Rom. 3:10); no
difference as to their need of a wholly gratuitous salvation (Rom. 3:23; 5:21),
all by the atoning blood (Rom. 5:9) and the imputed righteousness of our Lord
Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 5:21). Our Lord “receiveth sinners,” be they Jew or
Gentile, who come unto God by Him. Oh dispensationalists hear this and hear it
well, there is no distinction separating between the Jew and the Gentile. It is
not Jew or Gentile, male or female, Barbarian or Scythian, bond or free — there
is no national or political distinction or difference on new covenant ground,
“for ye are all one in Christ Jesus’ (Gal. 3:28), and Christ Jesus to every
regenerated sinner is “All in All.” There are no promises to any nationality
for all “the promises of God are yea and amen” in Christ Jesus” (2 Cor. 1:20).
“For the same Lord” in the immediate
context makes it clear that “Lord” is to be referred to the exalted Lord Jesus
Christ, and this is confirmed by the use of this expression throughout the New
Testament (see Rom. 10:9, 12, 13; Acts 7:59-60; 9:14, 21; 10:36; 22:16; 1 Cor.
1:2; Phil. 2:11; 2 Tim. 2:22). Notice that our Lord Christ is clearly referred
to as “Lord of all” in Acts 10:36. He is head of all the elect in all nations
of the world (Eph. 5:22-23). As the God-man, the Mediator, He has been advanced
“far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name
that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come” (Eph.
1:21). All creatures are in subjection to Christ for God “hath put all things
under his feet” (Eph. 1:22). He is “Lord of all” (Acts 10:36); He is “Lord both
of the dead and the living” (Rom. 14:9). He who died on the bloody, gory Cross
is now the Ruler of the universe. He holds in His hands “the keys of Hell and
death” (Rev. 1:18). Every since He arose and ascended back to Heaven He has
been “upholding all things by the word of His power” (Heb. 1:3). At this very
moment He is ruling “in the midst of
His enemies” (Psa. 110:2). “And hath put all things under his feet” (Eph.
1:22). Bowing one’s head to another indicates reverence, but, falling down at
his feet expresses the utmost subjection.
‘For the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.” God
is plenteous and rich in His communications to those who humbly call upon Him
(Eph. 1:7). “For thou art good and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy
upon all that call upon thee” (Psa. 86:5). He is bountiful to all poor, totally
lost calling sinners (Psa. 145:18). To such our Lord hath an inexhaustible
store of grace and mercy. The soul that sees not his utter helplessness He
sendeth away. The utterly helpless, totally lost sinner He shows him His pure
saving mercy and grace. “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all
acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I
am chief” (1 Tim. 1:15).
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. In
this verse Paul quotes the last part of the well known passage from Joel
2:28-32. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord” shows the universality of the Gospel. The word
“whosoever” has been used twice and the apostle uses the word “all” twice also.
It is clear that the universality of the Gospel in our day is the central thought
of the text. The Scriptures are clear that this does not mean that all who
have, with their lips, cried unto the
Lord or sought God in the name of Christ to have mercy upon them, been saved.
Many are deceived by the mere sound of words. The Scriptures are not to be read
like a daily newspaper and neither is the Word of God to be understood by lazy
people. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself tells us that there are many who call Him
“Lord,” and His reply is “Depart from Me” (Matt. 7:22-23). Our Lord hears not
him who calls upon Him because of his fear of Hell. God is not at the beck and
call of any rebel who, when he is terrified, sues for mercy. “He that turneth
away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination” (Prov.
28:9). “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whosoever confesseth
and forsaketh them shall have mercy” (Prov. 28:13).The only “calling upon the
name of the Lord” that our Lord hears and heeds, is that which issues from a
broken, penitent, sin-hating heart, and thirsts after holiness.
The unsaved are frequently told that God
loves everybody, that Christ died for the whole human race, and that nothing is required of them but a
mere intellectual assent to the Gospel. To them it matters not that “many believed in his name . . . but
Jesus did not commit himself unto them” (John 2:23-24), or that “many believed
on him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him lest they be put
out of the synagogue, for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of
God” (John 12:42-43), which shows that their “believing” was worthless. Where
are the true servants of Christ who is faithful enough to tell them that none
ever did or could savingly “call upon” Him out of an impenitent heart? The preachers preach, and those in the pews hear,
“another gospel” of easy believism and human ability to accept Jesus. But the
Gospel of Christ tells men that none find true rest for their souls until they
take Christ’s yoke upon them (Matt. 11:28-30). The Gospel sets forth Christ in
all His offices, and unlike the gospel of man, does not make one office of the
Redeemer disturb another. He is Saviour of none unless He is first their Lord.
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of
the Lord” — the name of the Lord is an expression which occurs very frequently
in Holy Writ. Calling on the name of the Lord is going out of the whole of our
being, heart, soul, mind, and strength, in a movement that has turned away from
any hope in self and that has come to an utter confiding in the Lord Jesus
Christ. It is the action of a quickened sinner who by the Spirit’s mighty
operation has experienced a radical inward change. Quickened out of his natural
state of sin and rebellion he now begins to seek the Lord. Three times it is
recorded that Abraham called upon the name of the Lord Jehovah and each time he
was standing at an altar of blood sacrifice. Calling on the Lord was vitally
connected with the blood atonement of Christ. In the story of Elijah, we have
the incident of his conflict with the priests of Baal. (I Ki. 18:23-24). Here
the calling on the name of the Lord was not only connected with the blood
sacrifice, but it was something that put God to the test and showed the true
faith of Elijah in Him.
In the Psalms God tells His people to call
upon Him and tells them what He shall do for them when they obey Him (Psa
50:15; 81:7). In Jeremiah there are two occurrences given where God is speaking
to His ancient people and telling them of the deliverance that He has in His
purpose for them. (Jer. 29:11-14; 32:27 and 33:3). These show that calling upon
the Lord is to seek Him with our whole heart, that we may come to Him, that we
may pray to Him. To call upon the name of the Lord is to believe all that the
name of the Lord stands for; to know Him in His qualities as our Saviour, Lord
of all; to approach Him through the blood of the Cross; to know and feel that
there is no strength in ourselves; to come to Him as a guilty, helpless sinner
realizing and acknowledging that all power dwells in Him; bowing at His feet,
totally surrendering to Him as our Lord and committing our all to Him, desiring
Him to fill all our needs. There is a vital union between the Lord Christ and
the believer. It is a living union: Christ and the believer are one. The meaning
of this phrase, “calling upon the name of the Lord,” coveys approximately the
same meaning as does “to worship.” He
that truly believeth on Him surely will worship Him, will confess and glorify
His name with thanksgiving. But here it seems to specifically mean to cry out
to Him in the midst of trouble. (Psa. 107:13).
“The name of the Lord” signifies the Lord
Himself. His name reveals who He is, what He has done, why He did it and where
He is now! The words of this verse are taken from Joel 2:32, which is also
quoted by Peter in his sermon on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:21). David Brown
remarks, “This is but one of many Old Testament passages of which Jehovah is the Subject, and which in the
New Testament are applied to Christ — an irrefragable proof of His Divinity.”
In the prophet Joel the word for Lord is Jehovah, the incommunicable name of
the Most High; and here Paul is speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ, and has for
several verses been speaking of no other Divine Person. The name of the Lord is
the Lord revealed to us, the Lord Christ as we know Him in saving mercy as a
living reality to us, as we have spiritual contact with Him. We call on Him
whose name is the Lord.
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower:
the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Prov. 18:10). The previous verse
of our Romans passage sets forth that the name of our Saviour is “Lord,” who is
Lord of all. This is the declaration of His identity. The wonder of the name of
the Lord is that it began in the Incarnation with the announcement from the
angels that this Child would be born without a human father, that He would be
begotten in the virgin’s womb by the Holy Ghost, and that His name would be
called Jesus, Saviour, because He would saved His people from their sins (Matt.
The truly redeemed have been delivered
“from the power of darkness, and [He] hath translated us into the Kingdom of
his dear Son” (Col. 1:13). Christ is the King of saints. He is the King of
Kings and Lord of Lords (1 Tim. 6:15), and His Kingdom in shown in Scripture in
various aspects. (1) His Kingdom is universal, for His rule and dominion
extend to the realms of Glory, of grace, of nature, and of providence (Eph.
1:20-23). “Without Him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3). All
things are committed into His ruling hand (Matt. 28:18). But, His Kingdom is: (2) Spiritual.
He reigns in the hearts of His people. “The Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke
17:21); and in the exercising of His sovereignty, He cleanses them from all
idols (Ezek. 36:25). No rival can challenge Him for His throne for “He shall
reign for ever and ever” (Rev. 11:15). His Kingship and rule are: (3) Actual,
though unseen. We see second causes which are but instruments used by our Lord
Christ in the accomplishment of His purposes. In His overruling power, He makes
“all things work together for good to the called, to them that love Him” (Rom.
8:28). His reign is: (4) Mediatorial in this Gospel age. In the
High Courts of Heaven He governs all on earth, and things are disposed so that
in the end they shall prove to have fulfilled the single purpose of Jehovah,
and to have been “all for the lifting of our Lord Jesus on high.” His Kingship
is: (5) Revealed in part. Enough is seen to leave men without excuse. Every
believer experiences unmistakable signs of our Lord’s presence. The eye of
faith perceives Him, though dimly. The hand of faith clings to Him, though
feebly. Still He is our King, our Lord.
“Shall be saved.” Saved from sin, saved
from our wretched, wicked condition, saved from the power of Satan, saved to
all the riches of God’s grace in Christ. We concluded our chapter with the
words of the godly evangelist Rolfe Barnard. “The essence of all sin is
arrogance, setting up the little puppet god of self on the throne of the heart
instead of the rightful Ruler, Jesus Christ. There can therefore be no New
Testament salvation without submission to Him on the throne. The very essence
of salvation is the collapse of the regime of self and the enthronement of another
King. . . . It is vain for one to speak of faith in Christ as Saviour, who is
not committed to the Lordship of Christ, and positively opposing the dominion
of the lordship that sin has in his personal life. . . . To be ‘saved’ then
means to be converted to the rule of God in Christ, to be man under God. It
means the consent of the heart to the sovereignty of the Redeemer. Here is
wholeness. Christ received with the open hand but the knee bowed. Men made
captives of Christ and thus free. Men most free when most His. Men who never
stand so straight as when they bow to Him. Under His authority is man’s freedom
and thus his wholeness or salvation and nowhere else. The greatest need of man
is to find the right answers to the question where shall supreme loyalty lie? .
. . A gospel that produces a salvation apart from glad subjection to and holy
adoration and worship of an enthroned Lord cannot be owned of God in our day. .
. . This lawless generation must be confronted with the Christ of the covenant
in the truth of Him: His Cross and His throne.”
Doctrinal and Spiritual Notes and Quotes on Romans 10:9-13
Verse 9. So that by the lively
actings of faith, the soul beholds Christ in the Word, and in the promise, and
takes Him with both into his very soul, until “Christ is” fully “formed there
the hope of glory.” Hence, both the outward confession of the mouth, and the
inward enjoyment of the heart have a beautiful correspondence: the one speaks
what the other feels: “for out of the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” My soul! Is this thy faith? And if
so, what can dispose thee of it? What shall stop thy joy or confidence in Jesus
a single hour? If Jesus, the uncreated
Word, the promised Word, the sum and
substance of all the written Word, be
nigh thee, yea, in thy mouth and in thine heart, not only thy understanding
knows Jesus, but thine heart lives upon Jesus; surely salvation is secure; yea,
Heaven itself is begun in the soul: “for this is life eternal, to know the only
true God, and Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent.” — Robert Hawker (1753-1827).
Sinners are called on to
believe, but to believe after the order of free grace; that is that they be
first self-lost and sick, and then be saved by the Physician. — Samuel
Rutherford (1600-1661).
To confess Christ with the
mouth is to make a sincere, hearty confession to God before men that Christ
Jesus is our Prophet to reveal God, our Priest to atone for us, our Lord to
reign over us! When this is our experience we confess it in believer’s baptism.
To believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead is to (1) Believe
that He came to this earth as “God in the flesh” (John 1:14). (2) Believe that
He truly died on the Cross for our sins (1 Pet. 1:18-19). (3) Believe that the
sacrifice was effectual and sufficient, for God raised Him from the dead. (1
Cor. 15:13-22). — Henry Mahan (b. 1926).
10. “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness.” But the natural heart is manifested by
a carnal mind which is always “enmity against God” (8:7-8), hence the sinner
must be given a “new heart” (Ezek. 36:26) and then he will be a new man with a
mind that is willingly subject unto God. When the Lord makes a new man of him,
then all things wear a different aspect. So great is this change that I once
heard a convert say, ‘Either all the world is changed, or else I am.’ The new
nature follows after right as
naturally as the old nature wanders after wrong.
What a blessing to receive such a nature!
Only the Holy Ghost can give it. Did it ever strike you what a wonderful
thing it is for the Lord to give a new heart and a right spirit to a man? You
have seen a lobster, perhaps, which has fought with another lobster, and lost
one of its claws, and a new claw has grown. That is a remarkable thing; it is a
much more astounding fact that a man should have a new heart given to him.
This, indeed, is a miracle beyond the powers of nature. — C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892).
We may
have the language of God in our mouths, but, if we have not the faith of God in
our hearts, we are only like painted sepulchers, which appear beautiful
outwardly, but are inwardly full of rottenness and dead men’s bones. —
If I
am, or fancy that I am, endowed with will and power to help myself, it seems a
needless thing to beg of God to give me grace; as needless as to ask His help
to light my candle. — John Berridge (1716-1793).
sin is not informing God, It is agreeing with Him. — Anonymous.
The way
to cover our sin is to uncover it by confession. — Richard Sibbes (1577-1635).
11. For, says he, “The same Lord who is over all” mankind — i.e., the Lord
Messiah, “is rich: — full of benefits, and ready to communicate them “to all,”
whether Jews or Gentiles, “who,” believing on Him, “call upon Him” — give Him
Divine homage — acknowledge His Lordship, by praying to Him. Under the Messiah,
men were to obtain an interest in His blessings by believing, and that “whosoever,” whether Jew or Gentile, believed
in Him, should possess these blessings. — John Brown (1784-1858).
upon the name of the Lord is here put for all practical religion. What is the
life of a Christian but a life of prayer? It implies a sense of our dependence
on Him, and entire dedication of ourselves to Him, a believing expectation of
our all from Him. — Matthew Henry (1662-174).
Man’s practices are the best
indexes of his principles. — Stephen Charnock (1628-1680).
It is your duty and glory to do
that every day that you would willingly do on a dying day. — Thomas Brooks
Faith and obedience are bound
up in the same bundle. He that obeys God, trusts God; and he that trusts God,
obeys God. — C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892).
Verse 12. Oh glorious promise!
How can God deny me anything now that I pray for? He has passed His Word for
it; His Son has purchased it; the Holy Spirit inspires the prayer; the Word
holds it forth; and the prayer of faith lays hold of it, and actually receives
it. Prayer is the mouth of faith. If thou wilt have much, “open thy mouth wide,
and it shall be filled.” Who then should not be stirred up to pray much? Oh
what foolishness is this, that we have nothing, but may obtain all from God,
and yet are so loath to pray much, and pray right. — C. H. V. Bogatzky
Seeking Sinner, what abundant
encouragement does the Word of God afford thee! God is a God of truth: He never
said to the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain. When Jesus was in our world, He
distinguished Himself by His wonderful compassion to the poor and the needy;
binding up the broken-hearted; liberating the captives; speaking peace and
pardon to the most guilty, and cleansing from sin the most filthy. He came into
the world to save sinners — the chief of sinners: and will He not be gracious
unto thee, and heal the foul diseases of thy troubled soul? Dost thou complain
of the hardness of thy heart, and of thy backwardness to every thing that is
good? Hast thou had a little of the light of God’s countenance, and it is gone?
Hast thou been overtaken by temptation, cast down, and sorely wounded? Canst
thou find nothing in the Word that will suit thy case; and do the terrors of
the Almighty fall upon thee? Thou art the very sinner to whom Immanuel speaks
(Matt. 11:28), yes, to you is the Word of salvation sent: “Christ is exalted as
a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.”
— J. C. Philpot (1802-1869).
What am I the better if I can
dispute that Christ is Lord, but have no sense or sweetness in my heart from
thence that He is God in covenant with my soul? What will it avail me to evince
by testimonies and arguments that He hath made satisfaction for sin, if,
through my unbelief, the wrath of God abides on me, and I have no experience of
my own of being made the righteousness of God in Him — if I find not, in my standing
before God, the excellence of having my sins imputed to Him and His
righteousness imputed to me? It is the power of truth in the heart alone that
will make us cleave to it in an hour of temptation. — Dr. John Owen
Christ is either Saviour and
Lord, of He is neither Saviour nor Lord. — John R. De Witt
How vast the treasures we possess! How rich Thy
bounty, King of grace! This world is ours, and worlds to come; Earth is our
lodge, and Heaven our home. — Isaac Watts (1674-1748).
Verse 13. Christian faith consists
essentially in the heart's enthronement of Christ. — T. T. Shields (1873-1955).
When you pray to Jesus Christ to save you from
the guilt and power of sin, remember, He asks you by His Word the same question
now which He asked then, “Believest thou that I am able to do this?” Not you
and I together; no; but, Believest thou that I — I without you, I alone, am
able to do this? And till you can answer the question truly, and say, “Lord, I
do believe it,” your petition will draw no blessing. — John Berridge
Christ must be crowned Lord of all, or He will
not be Lord at all. He will brook no rival. There must be the complete
heart-renunciation of all that stands in competition with Him: whatever
pertains to the flesh must be renounced. The “Cross” is the badge of Christian
discipleship: not a golden one worn on the body, but the principle of
self-denial and self-sacrifice controlling the heart. We must come to Christ as
Prophet, to be instructed by Him; as Priest, whose atonement and intercession
are to be relied upon; as King, to be ruled by Him. Coming to Christ is a going
out of self, so as no longer to rest on anything in self. It is the will bowing
to His Lordship, accepting His yoke, taking up the Cross, and following Him
without reserve. O how very few really do this! To the great majority Christ
has to say “Ye will not come to me that
ye might have life” (John 5:40). — A. W. Pink 91886-1952).
“God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” That is a prayer
which, when it comes from a broken heart, never fails entering the ears of the
Lord of Sabaoth. — William Romaine (1714-1795).
All that seek to Jesus Christ, with a due sense
of their misery and helplessness, and with a single trust in His power and
mercy, will obtain what they seek. They may wait awhile at mercy’s gate, and
meet with some discouragement, but at length it will be opened. The mourners
will be comforted with pardon, and weary sinners will find rest unto their
souls. Thus the promises, which are only gazed on by others as a fine picture,
prove a Heavenly feast unto them. — John Berridge (1716-1793).
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