II — Chapter 10 — Romans 11:25-27
11: 25-27 (25) For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this
mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is
happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. (26) And so
all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the
Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. (27) For this is my
covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. Paul
shows us clearly in Romans, chapter 4, that the promises to Abraham are Gospel
promises and that the distinction between Jew and Gentile that once existed is
totally obliterated (Read Rom. 4:9-18). Remember Abram received his new name,
Abraham, “the father of many nations,” to plainly show in advance that his seed
was the mystic nation to be gathered out of all peoples (1 Pet. 2:9-10). Paul
teaches that the promise of God takes precedence over the earthly nation of
Israel and the Law. The nation of Israel was constituted as a temporary expedient
under the Law, “until the seed should come to whom the promise was made” (Gal.
3:16-19). The principle enunciated in Romans 4 is thoroughly carried out by the
apostle in Galatians where there can be no dispute that the seed of Abraham is
Christ and His Church, without distinction of Jew and Gentile.
25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest
ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to
Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. Paul’s message is to
“brethren,” not nations, and it is brethren whom he is addressing. Those
commentators who write of “the end of Gentile Christianity,” as though the
Gentile nations were enjoying the benefits of the Israelitish olive tree, are
estranged from all reality, for no Gentile nation was ever in that
position. The only nation ever grafted into Christ is that described by
Peter: “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy NATION, a
peculiar people” (I Peter 2:9). This is the nation of God’s elect, chosen
from every land, region, people and tongue. This nation will never be
“broken off,” though individuals professing to be of it but by their fruits
prove they are false professors will be cut off.
“Ye should be ignorant” — spiritual
ignorance is dispelled only by Divine revelation. “Of this mystery.” Our
opponents try to tell us that this mystery is the national salvation of Israel,
and that it awaits the Gentile era of salvation, designated by the phrase “the
fulness of the gentiles.” But then they show their inconsistency in claiming
the salvation of Israel as a mystery as they are prepared to quote all the
numerous Old Testament prophetic texts as proving their supposed theory.
The word “mystery” occurs nearly 30 times
in the New Testament. It is a favorite word of the apostle and he uses it 13
times in his epistles. It is derived from the word of our Lord Christ in
Matthew chapter 13 where the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven are proclaimed
in parable and they were understood only by the spiritual children of the
Kingdom. The meaning of them was withheld from the natural Jews whose hearts
were hardened, eyes blinded, and ears stopped by the judicial judgment of God
(Matt. 13:13-15). The nation of the Jews was given over to unbelief (as we see
in our day), the Kingdom of God being taken from them and given “to a nation
bringing forth the fruit thereof” (Matt. 21:43). This is the mystery of which
the writings of Paul are so replete.
Paul writes in 16:25-26 of our epistle:
“Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel and the
preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the
revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began, but
now is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets made known to all
nations for the obedience of faith.” Regardless of what our opponents try to
tell us is the mystery, Paul, as the spokesman of the Holy Ghost, tells us that
the mystery is the Gospel “made know to all
nations for the obedience of faith.”
Paul refers to this mystery 6 times in the Ephesian epistle and in 5:32 it
refers to the Gospel mystery of the union in Christ of Jew and Gentile in one
body, without distinction of nationality, as the last, final and full
disclosure of the eternal purpose of God (see Eph. 3:3, 4, 9). The mystery of
Eph. 1:9 and of those verses in Eph. 3, together with the mystery of. Col. 4:3,
and the mystery of Rom. 16:25, are all one mystery, namely, the Gospel union of
Jew and Gentile in one mystical body united to Christ in eternal and covenant
marriage bonds, inseparable from Him and from one another. So our mystery is
the mystery of Christ’s true and spiritual Israel, one whole and entire
worldwide nation, the true seed of Abraham, the children of the promise.
“In order to bring about the salvation of
the Gentiles as the legitimate inheritors of the promises made to Abraham, so
that they could be lawfully regarded as the very seed of Abraham, grafted into
the very stock of the covenant nation, it was necessary that the Jews as a
nation should be disinherited and cast out, hence to be received again only as
they came in the category of repentant sinners, individually grafted into a new
order in which all racial distinction is obliterated. In other words, the
mystery is not the regathering of Israel, but their rejection as a nation to
make way for a new nation, a new Israel, composed indifferently as to ancestral
origins. Upon the understanding of this mystery depends the peace and stability
of Gentile believers. That they needed to be instructed in the mystery, the
case of the Galatians only too strongly demonstrates. The Church of Galatia was
well nigh destroyed by the error that Gentiles had to be grafted into earthly
Israel, instead of the reverse, that Jews require to be drafted into New
Covenant stock on the same terms as Gentiles.” (Charles D. Alexander).
“Lest ye should be wise in your own
conceits.” Paul tells the believers, especially the Gentile believers, that it
was entirely by free grace alone they were saved, and that no believer, Jew nor
Gentile had whereof to boast. No true saint can imagine that because they
believe in Christ they alone are wise and knowledgeable persons, and be elated
in their minds with their own knowledge and understanding, and look with
contempt upon poor, blind, ignorant unbelievers as beyond the possibility of
ever coming to Christ (Prov. 26:12).
“That blindness in part has happened to
Israel.” The Israel here spoken means the Jewish nation — not the mystical,
spiritual Israel consisting of elect Jews and Gentiles, all true believers. A
major part of Israel is, according to the plan and purpose of God, to remain in
a state of spiritual blindness and rebellion as to God’s way of justifying
sinners. “That blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of
the Gentiles be come in.” The Holy Ghost tells us two things here: (1)
That Israel’s blindness always was in part only—that is, the whole nation
was not blind but a part thereof. Paul was an example of the part which
was not blind. It is total folly for commentators to say the “in part”
means a period of time. No, the first verse proves otherwise for, “The
election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded.” It is persons that were
blinded and this chapter of Romans shows (2) the lasting nature of that
condition of “blindness”' which had befallen the greater part of the nation. Paul
tells us that this blindness in part was an enduring condition, “Until the
fulness of the Gentiles should be brought in.” That is until the Second Coming
of Christ our Lord and the end of the world, the Gentiles must expect to be
joined from time to time by believing Jews, as is the case today (2 Cor.
3:14-16). The word “until” no more means that the time is coming when Israel
will be no more blind, than the same word in Psalm 110:1 means that Christ will
cease to reign after his foes are made His footstool.
we take vs. 25 the way our opponents would have it, we run into a big
contradiction. They have been busy telling us in their writings that when
Israel is restored, the Gentiles will reap such a benefit as will dwarf out of
recognition all that they ever enjoyed during the period of their dominance.
Our opponents cannot have it both ways. Israel (according to them) will
not be restored till Gentile “fullness” has been achieved. Yet they
maintain that Gentile salvation so far from being “FULL” at the restoration of
Jewry will only enter upon a fuller, more glorious phase than ever before. Look,
reader, at this gross inconsistency. This is what they are saying: Blindness in
part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in—and
then, with the salvation of Israel a greater fullness than ever shall be
awarded to the Gentiles. This text in no way means that.
fullness of the gentiles” will coincide with the end of the world and
the Day of Judgment, and Israel’s “blindness in part” endures till then without
respite. Our friends do not seem to be aware that the word “until” often bears
in Holy Scripture a durative sense, and not that of temporal limitation.
Hence Christ reigns till all His foes are made His footstool, and then goes
right on reigning. Romans 11:25 teaches ultimacy and contains no
suggestion of any alteration in Israel’s national status. The present
boundaries of God’s Divine Decree are unalterable. The blindness in part must
endure till the end of time, which time is coincident with the fullness of
Gentile salvation.
is perfectly clear that “the fulness of the gentiles” is the complete number of
Christ’s elect among the nations of the world (Rev. 7:9). The sentence
anticipates the realization of an objective, the salvation of Gentiles to the
full extent of the purpose of God in Christ, expressed in the words of Luke
24:47, “And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His
name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” God, through the Gospel, has
throughout the generations visited the nations to “take out” (Acts 15:14, Amos
9:12) a people for His name and the fulness is realized at Christ’s return. As
the fulness of the Gentiles means the completion of God’s redemption among the
Gentiles, Israel’s fulness means exactly the same for them. Since Christ has
broken down the middle wall of partition between Jews and Gentiles (Eph. 2:14),
and God is no respecter of persons, there can be no such thing as national conversion. For Jews and
Gentiles alike, salvation is, and always will be, an individual matter, and if
the fullness of the Gentiles means the full number of elect Gentiles brought
into the Kingdom of God, the fulness of Israel means the full number of elect
Jews, or a remnant of Jews, brought into it. As God’s purpose does not
contemplate the salvation of Gentiles universally but selectively and this
selection will constitute their “fulness,” so also it is not declared to be
God’s purpose to save the entire nation of the Jews but from them also the
“fulness;” namely, the remnant according to “the election of grace” (Rom. 11:5,
11,12). In neither case does “fulness” mean the entirety of Jews or Gentiles as
such, but the total sum of the Divinely chosen among them.
qualifying word “fulness” makes it beyond question that whatever the subject of
Scripture might be it gives the sense of completeness and totality; the meaning
given being to finish, to accomplish, to satisfy; that which fills out to the
uttermost. In the fine words of John Wilmot this is clearly shown: “Fulness of
Deity dwells in the incarnate Son: totality of Godhead is His: and the Church
is filled full (complete) in Him Who is her Head (Col. 1:19; 2:9-10). Grace in
its fulness is resident in Christ: out from this fulness we receive; there is
no reservoir (John 1:14, 16). Fulness of blessing is in the Gospel. There is no
supplementary source (Rom. 15:29). Time’s fulness, introduced with Christ’s
first advent, concludes with His second advent: then Eternity (Gal. 4:4; Eph.
1:10). The Church is ‘the fulness of Him Who filleth all in all.’ His ‘body’ is
not lacking or maimed. It is as ‘a perfect man.’ At His coming it will be
presented a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but
holy and without blemish. The Church is composed of the redeemed of all
nations, denationalized and united as being ‘all one in Christ Jesus’ (Eph.
1:23; 4:13; Gal. 3:28; Eph. 5:27). The fullness of Jews and Gentiles expresses
the totality of the redeemed simultaneously brought in through the Gospel in
this ‘day of salvation.’ There can be nothing lacking in, or added to, this
fulness (Rom. 11:12; 11:25; 2 Cor. 6:2; cf. Isa. 49:1-12).”
Verse 26 And so all
Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the
Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. Paul has already shown
from his argument in Romans 9 that he was accustomed to use the word “Israel”
in a twofold sense. As touching the flesh, Israel denotes the 12 tribes or
fleshly Israel. As touching the Gospel, Israel denotes the true Church. Verse 6
of the 9th chapter is a classic example of Paul’s use of “Israel” twice in this
one verse, with a contrary meaning — “They are not all Israel which are of
Israel,” and he continues in verse 8, “That is, they which are the children of
the flesh, these are not the children of God, but the children of the promise
are counted for the seed.” Therefore, when the Millennialists allege that the
“Israel” of Rom. 11:25 (most are blinded) must be the “”Israel” of verse 26
(all are saved) because it would otherwise be too violent a transition is out
of touch with our apostle and acting completely contrary to the Scriptures.
Holy Ghost has told us that salvation is wholly of grace, and while national
Israel hath not attained it, “the election hath obtained it and the rest were
blinded” (Rom. 11:7). We see here again two “Israel,” the election and the rest.” The
elect are those “on whom He will have mercy,” the rest those “whom He
hardeneth” (Rom. 9:18), and this hardened state is irremediable (Rom. 11:8-10,
Isa. 29:10; Psa 69:22-28). There are two Israels and the qualifications must
determine which Israel is meant. “Israel” is here in our 26th verse used for
the remnant, the elect, the called, the saved, incorporated in the Church —
composed not of saved Jews or
Gentiles, as when some speak wrongly of the Jewish Church and the Gentile
Church, but of saved Jews together with saved Gentiles, one body, and that
these are the “Israel of God,” and as Paul has written “even US, whom he hath
called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles” (Rom. 9:24). In a
similar distinguishing passage (Rom. 2:28-29), the Holy Ghost tells us that the
merely outward Jew, the natural, the racial, is not a Jew as God determine the
true spiritual Israel; nor is circumcision “outward in the flesh” since it is
intended of God to signify spiritual truth. The apostle himself “a Hebrew of
the Hebrews” and “a Jew,” counted all his gains but loss for the excellency of
Christ, and he claimed “we are the circumcision, which worship God in the
spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and
have no confidence in the flesh” (Phil. 3:3). The qualification is
altogether spiritual; there is no racial distinction. Christ Jesus is ALL.
“They are not all Israel who are of Israel,” is Paul’s first and governing
principle in this treatise of God’s purposes for Israel directed especially to
the Gentiles (Rom. 11:13). He never departs from it. His final assurance
therefore, “All Israel shall be saved,” does not relate to the race or “the
rest,” but to God’s election and remnant.
therefore, “they are not all Israel which are of Israel” (Rom. 9:6), then the
“all Israel” (of our verse here at 11:26) cannot include those who are the “not
Israel” of this determining premise. The apostle clearly, in the course of his
reasoning in these three chapters (9, 10, & 11), is stating that the “not
all Israel” are the non-elect, “the rest” under judicial blindness (11:7), the
blinded, hardened “part” (11:25). It is equally as clear that the “all Israel”
of verse 26 are the non-blinded, “the election of grace” (R0m. 11:5). “All
Israel” are the equivalent of “their fulness,” the elect out of the nation. The
elect out of all nations are the “fulness of the Gentiles.” The “all Israel” of
Romans 11:26 cannot be the nation in its entirety, for Zech. 13:8-9 tells us
“two parts shall be cut off and die,” and “the third part” only purified
“through the fire.” These only are God’s people, the remnant. So the Scriptures
themselves have interpreted themselves and have shown us that the Israel here
referred to is the New Covenant Israel, that community not of race but of
faith, the heir to the promises made to the fathers, composed of Jew and
Gentile, in which the lines of nationhood are forever obliterated, nor can be
redrawn without altering the constitution of the Church herself and abolishing
the true Kingdom of Christ.
“As it is written.” Paul is not foretelling
something that is to occur at the second coming of Christ, but he is quoting
something that Isaiah wrote in 59:20-21 concerning His first advent when the
Lord came as the long promised “Redeemer.” It is a fundamental error of our
opponents that they make this verse dependent upon the previous verse. It is
not a dependent verse at all, but a summary (summing up), a grand condensation
and verdict upon this discussion which began with chapter 9, verse 1. We cannot
allow our opponents, in order to uphold their false theory, to present Paul as
being inconsistent with himself. This verse must be interpreted according
to consistent Pauline doctrine of the heavenly nature of the true Israel,
the Church of the Redeemed and of the Firstborn whose names are written in
Heaven. The phrase “all Israel” means, not the entire Jewish race saved in the
supposed Millennium of our opponent’s theory, but the entire body of all the
redeemed, Jew and Gentile, of this present age.
the Pauline doctrine the N.T. Church is the last and final phase of all God’s
dealings in history. There is nothing after the Church. Eph.
3:10-11, “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly
places might be known BY THE CHURCH the manifold wisdom of God: according
to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” In
this Pauline doctrine (given him by the Holy Ghost), Zion or Mount Zion is the
Church and not earthly Israel. Heb. 12:22, “Ye are come to mount Zion,
and unto the city of the Living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an
innumerable company of angels: to the general assembly and church of the
firstborn which are written in heaven ...” Gal. 4:26, “Jerusalem WHICH IS
ABOVE is free, which is the mother of us all” (i.e. Jew and Gentile).
Compare this with what our Lord says in John 4:21 about earthly
Jerusalem. Some of our opponents concede that Zion in Romans 11:26
cannot mean the earthly Jerusalem and must be taken in the figurative or
spiritual sense. Then, in order to suit their theory, they say that the
second part of the sentence is literal (“shall turn away ungodliness from
Jacob”). One good thing my professors taught me in college is the
practice of the Hebrew authors in duplicating expressions for the purpose of
emphasis. Yet our opponents persist in setting one phase of this quote of
Isaiah against another when clearly the one is the amplification of the other.
“Zion” referred to in the prophecy means the New Testament Zion, the mystic New
Jerusalem, the Church of our Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord, the whole company
of the redeemed. Jerusalem in Palestine was abolished forever as to its
spiritual significance by the words of Christ, “Neither in this mountain nor
yet at Jerusalem shall men worship the Father” (John 4:21). Therefore, the
theory of the Dispensationalist and Premillennialists has no relevance to the
question of a restoration of the Jewish people as a nation to the favor of God.
they persist in saying that Zion does not mean Zion, then
consistency demands that they say Jacob does not mean Jacob. To
do so would destroy their theory, their books and writings, for this, dear
reader, is the verse of verses to them. Upon this verse they rely totally
for their N.T. proof of a “Restoration of Israel.” They betray themselves
with their own confusion and inconsistency. As another has said, “We fear
that our friends exhibit not only a fatal exegetical inconsistency, but a
complete ignorance of Hebrew poetical style.” If “Zion” is given to us in
a spiritual sense then Israel and Jacob are to be understood in the
spiritual sense likewise, and the covenant referred to is the new and
everlasting covenant of Divine mercy made in Christ and sealed with His blood
at Calvary on behalf of the election of grace, the true Israel of God. And
Paul’s clear and unchallenged doctrine throughout all his epistles eliminates
all distinction between Jew and Gentile which has been abolished for ever (see
Eph. 2:15 & 3:6 as examples).
our task is a thorough exposition of this verse showing: (1) Verse 26 is not
dependent upon the preceding verses but it is a summary of the entire argument
of the preceding 3 chapters (9, 10 & 11); (2) The words, “And so all Israel
shall be saved,” are to be interpreted by what follows, “As it is written ...”
have already laid down number (1) as a self-evident fact, but we add the
following: If Paul were speaking of all earthly Israel being saved, how
could he have begun his argument in chapter 9 with that so mysterious, moving,
shocking, and agonizing cry, “I could wish myself accursed from Christ for my
brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh.” This agony would be meaningless
if the Apostle already knew that “all national Israel (his kinsmen after the
flesh) were going to be saved anyway.” If Paul knew that there was to be such a
great and noble destiny for natural Israel as our opponents allege, then the
Pauline agony over Israel was but an uninspired extravagance, altogether
unworthy of a man with a mind as well ordered as that of Paul. We totally reject such a thought. His agony
over the rejection of the earthly Israel was real and prophetic. It was
of the same order as that of Jeremiah when he cursed the day of his birth, that
he was called into being to be the bearer of such ill-tidings as he was forced
to convey concerning the destruction of his people (Jer. 20:14-18). The intense
grief of both men over the fate of earthly Israel is the strongest possible
proof that Israel has been rejected totally as a people, and has ceased forever
to be the channel of Divine Grace.
grief is total and its cause irremediable. Our opponents make of it a
farce as they say it is the starting point of a discussion which is designed to
prove that the nation has not been cast away but is destined to a more glorious
future than ever in the past. No, Paul knew that the earthly nation had been
rejected and that the Spiritual Israel (all the elect) must be saved.
now proceed to show that the words “all Israel shall be saved” are to be
understood by what follows: and what follows is a quotation from Isaiah
59:20-21. But before we do we must consider that the Old Testament prophecies
must be understood only in terms of New Testament usage; that of our Lord
Christ and His apostles. The New Testament teaches the abolition of all
national interest in the Kingdom of Christ. Paul’s dictum in Gal. 3:28-29
states that a basic fact of our Lord Christ’s Kingdom is that in it no question
of race or nationhood can possibly enter. “There is neither Jew nor Greek,
there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are
all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. So who
are spiritual Jews? Who are spiritual Israelites? Who are Abraham’s true
descendants? Paul, the spokesman of the Holy Ghost answers, “All — and only
those — who are Christ’s, be they Jew or Gentile.
we must consider the quotation of Isaiah 59:20-21. We ask readers to open their
Bibles at that Scripture as we proceed.
Remember that as a rule our opponents end their expositions of Romans 11 at
verse 26 ignoring verse 27 which contains a further portion of the Isaiah
prophecy. Isaiah 59 graphically describes the awful failure of Israel to
fulfill the function allotted to it. Paul makes a quotation from this
chapter in Romans 3 that shows that Israel is a sharer in the universal guilt
of the human race, despite its unique privileges (compare Isa. 59:7-8 and Rom.
“all Israel” of Rom. 11:26 are “the vessels of mercy which He had afore
prepared to glory” (Rom. 9:23). They were predestinated to be conformed to the
image of His Son (Rom. 8:29), and were chosen in Him before the foundation of
the world (Eph. 1:4). They are the “Elect according to the foreknowledge of God
the Father” (1 Pet. 1:2), and every one of them could only be saved by free
grace through faith in the Redeemer and Deliverer Who came to this earth 2,000
plus years ago to redeem His elect people with His own precious blood. Clearly,
then, “all Israel” who are saved are those who are vitally united to Christ by
faith, and who “walk in the steps of that faith of their father Abraham.
prophet Isaiah (in this chapter, verses 16-19) describes how it is the marvel
of heaven that the sinful nation exhibited no sign of repentance. There
was no intercessor, and none to take up the righteous cause of God. So the Lord
arms Himself for the task, but the goal He sets Himself is utterly beyond the
destiny of a small nation like Israel. The Lord girds Himself for a far
mightier task, that of establishing a worldwide domain. While
taking a fearful vengeance on the evildoers of Israel and indeed of all His
foes, He decrees that from the rising to the setting sun He will establish in
Christ a Gospel dominion which shall never end and which, by reason of its very
nature, cannot fail. “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the
Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” (Isa. 59:19). Quite
properly this eminent sentence is used to cover all eventualities in the
history of the Lord’s people. Its primary intention however should be
obvious—it describes the coming in of the Gospel salvation at a time when
satanic power had reached its zenith. Then it was that Christ appeared and
made a complete atonement for His people, dying upon the Cross and rising again
as Conqueror over the tomb. His ascension to the right hand of power to
begin His eternal reign was the signal for the pouring out of the Holy Spirit
at Pentecost. The figure of the flood and the overcoming power of the
Spirit are borrowed in the case of the mystic woman of Revelation 12, who after
the birth of Christ (Rev. 12:5) flees into the wilderness where she is
prophetically sustained. The serpent (Satan) casts out of his mouth water
as a flood to destroy the woman, but is foiled by the intervention of the
Lord’s providence. The flood is the means employed by Satan to destroy the
Church, whether by false doctrine or open persecution.
“woman” here is the Church of the Old and New Testaments. This is fixed by the
first verse where she is considered as being clothed with the sun and the moon
under her feet, and a crown of 12 stars on her head. The moon is the reflected
light of the Old Testament and the sun is the great Gospel day in its
continuity. The 12 stars are the symbol of the church in her dual form under
the two Testaments—the 12 patriarchs and the 12 apostles of the Lamb. The
man Child is Christ who comes midway in the history of the Church at the
dividing point of the two Testaments, the Church of all ages being both the
means of His entry into the world, and the Kingdom of Grace which was the
consequence of His coming.
is another proof that the Church is the same in O.T. and N.T. times and that it
is now constituted of Jews and Gentiles as the sole and legitimate heirs to the
promises made to Abraham. Rev. 12 thus becomes a Divine Commentary upon Isaiah
59 and a further preparation for the understanding of who Israel is in
Isa. 59:20 and Rom. 11:26. To that point we have now come.
the Redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from transgression in
Jacob, saith the LORD” (Isa. 59:20). Paul says in 11:26, “There shall come
out of Zion the Deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.” This is
a free translation into the Greek of the Hebrew text. The Redeemer Who comes to
Zion is the One also who proceeds from Zion, and those who turn from
transgression in Jacob are those who, by sovereign grace, are turned from their
ungodliness by the power of Christ our Lord. There is a specific limitation in
Isaiah, of the Redeemer’s work: “to them that turn from transgression in
Jacob.” Paul sees these repentant ones as the whole of Jacob, the
election of grace. Some Premil. writers that take Zion in a symbolic
sense and Jacob in a literal sense meet a serious embarrassment here, for they
do not believe that Jacob means the whole of Jews in the days of the alleged
Restoration. Some admit that not all Israel (after the flesh) shall be saved
but only a token number so as to make it appear that the nation as a whole has
turned from its unbelief. They appear to be satisfied if the number of the
converted in Jacob shall amount to ten percent of the whole.
for the fact that they derive this conclusion from a succession of commentators
covering the whole of the Reformed period, we believe it shows embarrassment
for all these commentators who begin with the preconceived idea of a Jewish
restoration which they try to fit in with Romans 11:26. Other and
more extreme futurists and dispensationalists declare that “all” means “all”—a
conclusion that we share with them in this case, only we declare that the text
does not refer to Jews alone at the end of time, but to God’s elect in all
time! The futurists have their own peculiar difficulties which they have never
honestly faced. They do not really believe that “all” means ALL, or they would
have to include Judas Iscariot and Caiaphas, Jeroboam, Ahab and the Baal
worshippers, and every other Israelite who ever lived, in a universal Israelite
salvation regardless of their evil nature. If “all Israel” means what it says
in a Jewish sense, then no Israelite of any age can be excluded.
only consistent interpretation of Romans 11:26 is that which we have had the
privilege to advance, namely that the Holy Spirit is speaking of the election
of grace here and also in Isaiah, that ALL means ALL, and that the prophetic
word embraces the entire field of redemption according to that glorious word in
Isa. 35:10—“The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs
and everlasting joy upon their heads.” That Isaiah’s word is a Gospel word and
has nothing to do with the Restoration of the Jew as such, is further borne out
by his following verse (59:21): “As for me, this is my covenant with them,
saith the Lord: My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in
thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed,
nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and
for ever.” Paul quotes from this verse also in Rom. 11:27, “For this is
my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.”
Zion, Jacob, Israel — these terms must always be distinguished as to their
prophetic significance, and they must be interpreted as to their spiritual
meaning given by our Lord Himself and His apostles in New Testament Scripture.
The old Jerusalem is succeeded by the new Jerusalem (Heb. 12:22-24), and all of
her citizens are pardoned, redeemed, justified. In this world of tribulation
their peace flows down like a river in spite of trials, persecutions,
afflictions, and crosses. The true Israel was always an elect minority within
the unbelieving nation — the apostatized nation. True spiritual Israel is now
expanded into a new nation of Jew and
Gentile (1 Pet. 2:9-10). In this true Christian “nation” — the true Church —
are the promises to Abraham fulfilled, as Paul tells us in his epistles —
filled in Gentiles a well as Jews, Christ having made out of twain, one new
man, so making peace, reconciling both unto God in one body by the Cross. Here
Gentiles have the same equal rights in Abraham as the elect Jews. Wherefore
they are no more “strangers and foreigners” but fellow citizens with the saints
and of the household of God. Here is the “new nation,” the new and Heavenly
temple, not made of stone and lime but with the souls of all the redeemed,
built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself
being the chief corner stone (see Eph. 2:11-22).
Zion and Jacob of Isa. 59:20 are the same as our Jerusalem, and the “all
Israel” which is saved according to Paul in Romans 11 is likewise that true
spiritual Israel — the Church of the Living God.
Verse 27 For this is my
covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. It is obvious that Isa. 59:21 relates to the
same subject as Romans 11:27. The people mentioned in verse 21 as “thy
seed” are the Zion and the Jacob of verse 20. Hence Paul also makes the
same essential connection in Romans 11, that the “All Israel” who shall be
saved are the covenant people whose sins are taken away, these and no
one else. Who are these covenant people, “thy seed, and thy seed’s seed,”
from whom the Word of Covenant life shall not depart for ever? These
cannot be descriptive of the earthly Israel; else there is no equivalent
promise anywhere in the Old Testament upon which the Church of our Lord can
rely. In short this verse is THE OPENING OF THE COVENANT OF GRACE.
words in this text are not addressed either to Jew or Gentile. They are
addressed to CHRIST, the Mediator of the New Covenant Who acts always on behalf
of those whom the Father hath given Him (John 17:2). The Covenant is made primarily
with Christ Who fulfills its terms and seals it with His Own Blood (Matt.26:28;
Heb. 13:20). God’s elect are brought into the covenant by His grace
acting through the Spirit of Regeneration (Heb. 8:8-12). This is expressed in
the text, “My Spirit that is upon thee (that is, upon Christ, the Mediator) and
my words which I have put into thy mouth (that is, the word of grace and
salvation) shall not depart out of thy mouth (Christ shall never cease to be
the Mediator of His people) nor out of the mouth of thy seed (that is, His
elect shall hear and be effectually called from sin and death to life eternal
and shall persevere in grace unto the end), nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s
seed (the succession of the generations of the saved to the end of time) from
henceforth and for ever.”
53:10 tells us that the elect are Christ’s “seed” whom He shall “see” (that is,
they shall be infallibly saved and preserved by grace). So should
Christ see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied (Isa. 53:11 and John
17:24). That this covenant is not applicable to earthly Israel is clear
from the context which makes it a worldwide economy of the election of grace.
It is clear that Zion is the Church and Jacob is that whole election of
grace. And by his usage of Isa. 59 as the conclusion of his discussion in
Romans chapters 9-11, Paul clearly shows what he means by the word “AND SO ALL
ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED.” In short he teaches that salvation is limited to
the election of grace and that the election of grace is the worldwide and age
long Kingdom of the Mediator Christ; therefore Israel is not, and by no stretch
of the imagination can be made to mean, the nation of Jewry, present or to
come. This is the Church of Christ in which all distinction of Jew and Gentile
is for ever obliterated and forgotten. Those who do not accept this conclusion
undermine the entire conception of the Everlasting Covenant of Grace which is
the only instrument in view in these collateral writings of Isaiah and the
apostle Paul.
our opponents beware that in defending natural Israel they are fighting against
God’s election and His sovereign purpose that His promises are yea and amen IN
CHRIST. There is not the slightest hint in this chapter (11) of any return of
Israel to an earthly Palestine. The only promises contained therein are of
spiritual salvation, forgiveness of sin, regeneration by the Spirit. Let
us, dear reader, stop and worship here because of God’s sovereign, elective
grace in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Worthy Doctrinal and
Spiritual Notes and Quotes on Romans 11:25 – 27
Verse 25. Oh, what a dry
thing is religion without the life and spirit of the precept! Who would
have thought that such an ignorant man as I was when the Lord called me
— who if asked could not have said what the law, doctrine or gospel meant
— to think that the Lord should have called such an ignorant thing and made him
know the mysteries of His grace! I now feel that "the law of the spirit of
life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death."
Praise the Lord, O my soul! — Simeon Burns (1876).
These are the two worst
enemies I have — self, with its fair shows and secret insinuations,
and unbelief struggling hard against me. Thomas Halyburton
As by a "fool"
in this book is generally understood a wicked profane man, so by a wise man is
meant a good and righteous man, and may be so understood here; and many there
are who are good and righteous only their own conceit and esteem, not truly so;
they place their righteousness in outward things, in the observance of external
duties; and though there may be some little imperfection in them, yet they
think, as they mean well, God will accept the will for the deed: and some have
imagined they have arrived to perfection; and such are generally conceited,
proud, and haughty, and despise others; all which flows from ignorance; for,
though they fancy themselves to be wise, they are very ignorant of themselves;
of the plague of their own hearts; of the law of God, and the spirituality of
it, and the extensiveness of its demands; of the strict justice and
righteousness of God, which will not admit of an imperfect righteousness in the
room of a perfect one; and also of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, the
nature and necessity of that to justify: and this being their case, they are in
very dangerous circumstances; they are building on a sand; they are liable to
fall into a ditch; they cannot be justified nor saved by their own works; they
oppose themselves to God's way of justifying and saving sinners; and he sets
himself against them, he resisteth the proud. — John Gill (1697-1771).
Religion is not a thing
which it is possible to put off and put on like a Sunday dress . . . If you
think you are doing so, believe me that as yet it is not a religion, but a web
of delusions. — Edward Reynolds (1599-1676).
He is two fools that is
wise in his own eyes. — John Trapp (1601-1669).
What marvelous
ignorance, folly and vanity are often displayed even in God’s people. Nothing
but the constant lessons of the Spirit of God will teach them that all
spiritual difference among men in by God’s grace. — Robert Haldane (1772-1844)
Let us watch and pray
most fervently against that awful curse — blindness. Let the Lord send poverty,
war, pestilence, famine, earthquakes, anything that brings merely natural evils
upon us, but let Him never in judicial wrath draw the veil of blindness over
our heart. No curses are so killing as spiritual curses. No judgments are so
terrible as spiritual judgments. Nor is the judicial insensibility of men a
whit the less dreadful, but even the more to be deprecated, because it is so
deep as to be unremoved by any consideration drawn from Heaven or earth. —
William S. Plumer (1802-1880).
Verse 26. If Abraham’s
faith be not in your hearts, it will be no advantage that Abraham’s blood runs
in your veins. — John Flavel (1628-1691).
The “all Israel” of Rom.
11:26 is the whole body of god’s redeemed
people. It is composed of “the
election” (which, as we have seen, has “obtained” what the natural Israel
as a whole had “not obtained”) with the addition thereto of believers from among the Gentiles. For
the main purpose of this passage (Rom. 9-11) and that also of chapter 4, and
likewise of Galatians (chapters 3 and 4) is to make know that the real “Israel,” the true “children of
Abraham,” who inherit the promises of God, are not the natural seed of Abraham
but his spiritual seed. — Philip Mauro (1859-1952).
Coming now to Romans
9-11, it is plain teaching of that passage (1) that God’s true “Israel,” the
nation concerning which it is said, “And so all Israel shall be saved,” is the whole body of the redeemed of the Lord:
and (2) that, that body is composed of the believing “remnant” of the natural
Israel (the “remnant according to the election of grace,” Ch. 11:5) with the
addition thereto of believing Gentiles. These two elements, so diverse and
antagonistic by nature, are incorporated into a spiritual unity, “the unity of the Spirit” (Eph. 2:12-18; 4:3). And
this is according to that “mystery” of God’s eternal purpose, which was not
clearly revealed in ages past, but now is made fully known (Eph. 3:4-6). That
“mystery” is what is graphically illustrated by the olive tree of Romans 11.
And as regards the salvation of the natural Israel in a future era, so far from
teaching that doctrine, the passage
we are studying was written for the purpose of refuting it. — Philip Mauro
Our great Deliverer is in all respects what we
could wish Him to be. He is our kinsman, and His power to destroy ungodliness
is supreme. He has never failed to put away transgression in any case He has
undertaken. Nothing is too hard for Him. He has put to flight every power ever
raised against Him. His resources are infinite. He shall not fail nor be
discouraged. If He could not save from sin, from its power as well as from its
guilt, He would not meet our wants at all. — William S. Plumer (1802-1880).
So, what is the comfort
you need? The comfort is to visualize the King of Glory for yourself! So
King Hezekiah in the days of Isaiah becomes a mighty clear type or picture of
this greater King, our Lord Jesus Christ. Hezekiah was hidden away in
sackcloth, as the land had been invaded by their enemies, but the promise is
that he will return in his royal splendor, appearing publicly as one of great
beauty, and the prospect of again seeing the rightful sovereign in his own
place would result in much joy to the people. So it is with our relationship to
Christ; when He is absent the heart mourns; but when He again mounts the throne
and the light of His countenance is upon us, how our hearts can rejoice in love
to the Saviour! — Wylie W. Fulton (b. 1939).
The very fact that this
Deliverer comes “out of Zion” and not out of Heaven indicates that the apostle
is thinking of the first and not of the second coming. It is as the result of
His first coming that “all Israel” is saved. Paul is speaking throughout these
chapters of that which is now (in his
own day) going on and will continue to take place throughout this dispensation
until “all Israel” shall have been gathered in. . . . “Even so then at this present time also there is a
remnant according to the election of grace” (Rom. 11:5). Study also 11:31:
“even so have these also now been
disobedient, that by the mercy shown to you, they also may now obtain mercy.” — William Hendriksen (1900-1982).
Verse 27. The Covenant of Grace cannot fail because it
is made by and with God Alone. — M. R. DeHaan (1891-1965).
If Christ had not been
cursed, I had not been blessed; if He had not been wounded, I had not been
healed. — David A. Doudney (1811-1893).
All God does for us in
the way of salvation, He does by a plan, a constitution, a covenant. This covenant is ordered in all things and sure. There
are no flaws in it, no errors or mistakes in it. It is all right, all certain.
Infinite wisdom has guarded everything respecting it. — William S. Plumer
the old life and me stands the blood-red Cross, and I can never be the same man
again. — T. T. Shields (1873-1955).
What a great mercy to be
among the living in Zion! You cannot prize it too highly. — William Tiptaft
With what view this was
done, it is easy to collect from these words of our Lord; “I came down from
Heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. And this is
the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I
should lose nothing, but raise it up at the last day” (John 6:38-39). That is
to say, it is the pleasure and fixed determination of my Father, that none of
those should perish, whom He has made My care and charge. Christ, with the
utmost freedom promised to redeem and preserve them safe; wherefore when He
shall have collected all these persons together, he will present them to the
Father, with saying, Behold, I and the children whom thou hast given me. As
Christ consented to fulfill the whole will of the Father, concerning our
redemption, the Father promised several things to him, some of which respect
Himself, personally considered; such as, (1). That He would suitably furnish
and qualify Him for the work of mediation, to the discharge of which an
extraordinary unction of the Holy Ghost, in His graces and gifts were
necessary, as well on account of the greatness and difficulty of the
undertaking, as for that He was to be an Head of life and influence to all the
elect; for of His fulness they were to receive, and grace for grace (John
1:16). Such an uncommon measure of the Spirit He received from the Father, is
evident from these words, thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness;
therefore God, thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy
fellows (Psalm 45:7), the same is affirmed by the Evangelist; for God giveth
not the spirit by measure unto him (John 3:34). (2). Assistance and support in
it, of such a nature is this promise; He shall not fail nor be discouraged till
he have set judgment in the Earth, and the isles shall wait for his law (Isaiah
42); which federal engagement on the Father’s part, animated and encouraged Him
in the most difficult branch of His Work, at the time of His dolorous
sufferings; when, He gave his back to the smiters, and his cheeks to them that
plucked off the hair, and hid not his face from shame and spitting (Isaiah 1:6);
for then He said, The Lord God will help me, therefore shall I not be
confounded, therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall
not be ashamed (Isaiah 1:7). — John Brine.
would be a sadly incomplete affair if it did not deal with the whole part of our ruined estate. We want to be purified as well as pardoned.
Justification without sanctification would not be salvation at all. It would
call the leper clean, and leave him to die of his disease. It would forgive the
rebellion and allow the rebel to remain an enemy to his King. It would remove
the consequences but overlook the cause, and this would leave an endless and
hopeless task before us. It would stop the stream for a time, but leave an open
fountain of defilement which would sooner or later break forth with increased
power. Remember that the Lord Jesus came to take away sin in three ways: He came to
remove the penalty of sin, the power of sin, and at last the presence of sin.
— C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892).
For an opposing interpretation of Romans 11, see the series of messages by Dr. S. Lewis Johnson titled, "Romans 11 and the Future of Ethnic Israel," at the link below:
See "Church History and Israel's Future," at the link below:
The link given above dated Feb. 22, 2014 to Dr. Johnson's messages titled "Romans 11 and the Future of Ethnic Israel" is NO LONGER VALID. The NEW LINK to this 6-part series of messages in both audio and written form is as follows: